The following has been translated from Japanese

Regarding the handling of personal information






【Personal Information Protection Ideology】

YOLO JAPAN Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) is engaged in business activities with the management of media for foreigners visiting Japan and the management of English conversation services as the core of its business. Personal information acquired from customers through business activities and personal information of our employees (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”) are important information to the company, and we recognize that it as our social responsibility to ensure that we protect each individual’s personal information.


1. Regarding aquisition, use, and sharing of personal information

・Personal information will be acquired through lawful and fair means.
・Personal information will only be used to the extent necessary to fulfill its purpose.
・When sharing personal information with a third party, the consent of the user will be obtained first.
・Personal information obtained will not be used for anything other than its purpose. We have taken measures to ensure this.
・In the event that it is necessary to use personal information for another purpose, consent will be obtained again for the new purpose.

2. Regarding laws and regulations, guidelines established by the country, and other standards (hereinafter referred to as “regulations”)

We will constantly strive to understand the laws and regulations regarding businesses’ handling of personal information, and will inform and comply with employees who are engaged in our business (hereinafter referred to as “employees”).

Regarding security management of personal information

・We will establish and maintain a system for taking immediate corrective action for the security management of personal information in order to prevent various risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, leakage of personal information, loss, or damage.
・We will carry out inspections and immediately correct any violations or accidents found as well as implement preventive measures against weaknesses.
・We will thoroughly educate our employees about security.

4. Regarding complaints and consultations

For complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information, we will establish a personal information inquiry desk and build a system where we can provide prompt and sincere responses.

5. Regarding continuous improvement

・In order to protect personal information, our personal information protection management system monitors and audits the status of compliance with internal regulations, works to detect violations, incidents, accidents and weaknesses, and a review is carried out by management. We will reflect this in the management policy and internal regulations, and strive for the continuous improvement of the personal information protection management system.
・We will comply with laws and regulations and JIS Q 15001 for improvement.

Date of establishment June 14, 2019
Date of revision June 14, 2019
Representative Director Taisuke Kaji

Regarding the handling of personal information

In accordance with the JISQ15001: 2017 requirements of and, we will publish the following information.

【Purpose for Use of Personal Information (Retained Personal Data)】

Types of personal informationPurpose of use
YOLO JAPAN users’ informationJob listings: Disclosure to the company at the time of application
Job scout: Disclosure to recruiting companies
Surveys: Disclosure to the company that will conduct market research
YOLO HOME: Disclosure to the company at the time of application
SIM Card: Disclosure to the company at that the time of application
Distribution of e-mail newsletters regarding job openings, etc.
Information on English conversation service members and their parentsFor business execution
Information on people who request documents or submit an inquiryResponding to inquiries, providing information regarding our services
Customer informationContact with customers, fulfillment of contract, request of contract fulfillment, etc.
Information on job candidates and applicantsEmployment screening, contact
Employee informationEmployment management such as human resources and general affairs
Disclosed personal informationInformation about our services
If we plan to use an individual’s disclosed personal information, we will notify them of the intended use and method of acquisition of the information, and receive their consent.

【Procedure for making requests such as for disclosure】

The procedure for correspondence with our company or a representative of our company regarding notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction of content, addition or deletion, suspenstion of use, or elimination or suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “request for disclosure”) is as follows.

1. Request for disclosure contact

Requests for disclosure should be sent by mail after attaching the required documents to the request form. When mailing this to our company, please use a sending method that allows you to track the mail, such as delivery record mail or simple registered mail. In addition, please write “Request for disclosure of personal information” in red on the outside of the envelope.

2. Required documents when submitting a request for disclosure

When submitting a request for disclosure, please fill in all the required information on the personal information disclosure request form and then send it to us by mail.

3. Identification Confirmation

We will make a phone call to verify the identity of the applicant. However, if the applicant can not be reached by phone, the applicant may be required to present a copy of their driver’s license, resident certificate, health insurance card, etc.

4. Request for disclosure by a representative

In the event that the applicant would like to delegate the request for disclosure to a representative, please enclose the following documents in addition to the personal information disclosure request form.
(1) Document (copy) proving that they are the representative of the applicant.
1 of the following: driver’s license, a copy of their resident certificate, health insurance card
※Please prepare a copy that does not include the permanent address.
(2) Power of attorney (The applicant should stamp the power of attorney with their personal seal and attach the seal registration certificate. If the agent is a legal representative such as a parent, the power of attorney can also be replaced by documents that show their relationship to the applicant.)

5. Fee for disclosure, request for notification of purpose of use

When requesting disclosure of personal information and notification of the purpose of use, a fee of ¥ 1,000 (tax included) will be charged for each request.
The applicant will be responsible for the cost of purchasing a fixed amount money order and for postage to us.
In addition, please be aware that we cannot fulfill the request for disclosure if the fee is insufficient or if the fee is not enclosed.

6. How we respond to requests for disclosure

We will respond in writing and send it to the applicant’s address.


Personal Information Inquiry Desk
3-13-24, Ebisunishi, Osaka Shi Naniwa Ku, Osaka Fu,
TEL: 06-6645-1750 (Weekdays 10AM-7PM)
FAX: 06-6645-1751 (24 hours)

Personal Information Protection Manager: Manager of Management Department

Revised October 17, 2024